Everyone grows old... and dies in the end... but what if not? What if you could stay young? What if you could have it all? There is one amongst them all who can... His name is Pan. Never aging, never ending, never dying. He is life. And death. He is Neverland.
Where is the line between fantasy, and reality? Many times this question has been asked before, but now, the line has never been so thin... Pan and the Pirates... but who is Pan? And who are the Pirates? And what if they were one and the same? Or not? What if?
A boy living in a fantasy world, or a fantasy world giving birth to a boy? A child of miracle, or a cruel devil? Who is Pan? What is Neverland?
You know them all. Alice who lost her way and found a land of wonders. Jack who climbed up to the heavens to find the rarest treasure. Snow White and Briar Rose who found themselves trapped in a neverending world of dreams. But what if they found themselves all in the same place? What if Neverland was Wonderland and Dreamland? What if?
And what if that world was ruled by a single person, one who is all and everything, one who is life and death, one who is the villain and the hero? What if this world was ruled by a Perfect Prince, him, Pan?
Every story has its dark side. Who is Lucifer? He's the one known as the devil, but is he really? The angel of light who was banned from the heavens for having tried to give knowledge to the humans. And what if he was the hero of the story? What happens when he gets to Neverland? What happens when all these people meet together?
All in the long elaborated new chaotic poetry style, will you dare read this dark, twisted and vicious tale? It is one of fairytales, of wonders, of magic... but it is also one of violence, murder, rape and death. What happens when you can have it all? ...
A dark twist on what you always thought you knew, a new vision, one that will keep you awake at night... Every story has its dark side.
Be ready, be prepared, to read the tale of the Neverland Man...
Painting by Jean Delville