Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Emerald Mirror

Hello dear readers.

I am writing this post just to tell you that I have a new blog, titled Omnia Vantias, here is the link :

This blog is a personal blog and will contain all kinds of texts. If you want to read some of my new creative writings, this is where you should be headed.

This blog,, will remain active but only for official information concerning The Ordeal of The Hourglass and any future release, so if you want to follow me more frequently, I will be waiting for you on Omnia Vanitas!



Bonjour chers lecteurs.

J'écris ce billet pour vous informer que j'ai maintenant un nouveau blog, intitulé Omnia Vanitas. Voici le lien :

Ce blog est un blog personnel et contient toutes sortes de textes. Si vous voulez lire mes projets plus récents, c'est là que vous devriez vous diriger!

Le blog sur lequel vous vous trouvez en ce moment va demeurer actif uniquement pour de l'information officielle concernant The Ordeal of The Hourglass ainsi que des publications futures. Si vous souhaitez rester à jour avec moi, je vous conseille plutôt d'aller Omnia Vanitas et de le suivre régulièrement!


Saturday, November 3, 2012

New project...

Everyone grows old... and dies in the end... but what if not? What if you could stay young? What if you could have it all? There is one amongst them all who can... His name is Pan. Never aging, never ending, never dying. He is life. And death. He is Neverland. 

Where is the line between fantasy, and reality? Many times this question has been asked before, but now, the line has never been so thin... Pan and the Pirates... but who is Pan? And who are the Pirates? And what if they were one and the same? Or not? What if?

A boy living in a fantasy world, or a fantasy world giving birth to a boy? A child of miracle, or a cruel devil? Who is Pan? What is Neverland?

You know them all. Alice who lost her way and found a land of wonders. Jack who climbed up to the heavens to find the rarest treasure. Snow White and Briar Rose who found themselves trapped in a neverending world of dreams. But what if they found themselves all in the same place? What if Neverland was Wonderland and Dreamland? What if?

And what if that world was ruled by a single person, one who is all and everything, one who is life and death, one who is the villain and the hero? What if this world was ruled by a Perfect Prince, him, Pan?

Every story has its dark side. Who is Lucifer? He's the one known as the devil, but is he really? The angel of light who was banned from the heavens for having tried to give knowledge to the humans. And what if he was the hero of the story? What happens when he gets to Neverland? What happens when all these people meet together?

All in the long elaborated new chaotic poetry style, will you dare read this dark, twisted and vicious tale? It is one of fairytales, of wonders, of magic... but it is also one of violence, murder, rape and death. What happens when you can have it all? ...

A dark twist on what you always thought you knew, a new vision, one that will keep you awake at night... Every story has its dark side.

Be ready, be prepared, to read the tale of the Neverland Man...

Painting by Jean Delville

Friday, October 7, 2011

Chaotic Poetry

Chaos. The primordial entity and first deity in the Greek mythology. Represents the beginning and the end of everything. Chaos is the opposite of Cosmos, which means Order. Chaotic poetry is very different from the Erotic poetry. This is based around the essential characteristics of Chaos. This poetry is disorganized and cuts with classical aesthetics and rule. Disorganized, yet powerful and with an immense sense of storytelling. Chaotic poetry is, as is the image of Chaos, a never-ending cycle; with no beginning and no end. Eternal. With only strong images. Chaotic poetry is the essence of poetry. No fake words, no useless structure, only pure and powerful imagery and energy. Purity. Power. Strong imagery. Chaos.

Painting by Kasimir Malevitch

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Where to buy The Ordeal of The Hourglass

My book is now available for sale at these current locations : (worldwide shipping available)

Librairie La Maison Anglaise et Internationale (located in Ste-Foy, Québec, Canada)

Price : 16.95 USD + taxes

The Ordeal of The Hourglass will be available at more stores in the coming months; I will keep this blog updated concerning this matter.

Also, if you are located in the province of Québec, Canada, you can still buy the book directly from me. Please write me a message if you are interested.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


The Ordeal of The Hourglass has been oficially released today. For the moment, it is only available through the author. If you are interested in buying a copy now, please send me a message. If you are not located in the province of Québec (Canada), you will have to wait for the worldwide release, which should come soon enough - stay tuned -

The price of the book is 18$ (taxes included).

Thank you,


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Release Date + River of Oblivion

I know... we are way past early 2011 and I am late in releasing my book. For that, I sincerly apologize. The process is taking much more time than what I had expected, and with my studies I have been so much busy that I did not have time to focus on doing anything else.

But now my school session is finished and I can devote all of my free time to working on publishing my book. I solemnly promise to do so. Now, I think it is safe to announce a definitive release date. The Ordeal of The Hourglass will be released on

July 2011

If everything goes as planned... It is still too soon to announce the date. I shall update you on this matter as soon as I have more information.

Here is another small poem to read in the meantime. This one is called River of Oblivion and is part of Ad Mortem Festinamus, the Third Book of The Ordeal of The Hourglass. It is an introduction to a much longer poem titled Passion (Paradise Lost). I hope you will enjoy it.

With all my love,



Je le sais très bien.... Nous avons déjà dépassé le premier trimestre de 2011 et je suis en retard dans la publication de mon livre. J'en suis sincèrement désolé. Le processus prend beaucoup plus de temps que ce à quoi je m'attendais et avec mes études, j'ai été énormément occupé et je n'ai pas eu le temps de me concentrer sur rien d'autre.

Mais maintenant, ma session est terminée et je suis en vacances! Je peux donc dédier tous mes temps libres à finaliser ce qu'il reste à faire pour la publication de mon livre. Je promets solennellement de consacrer tout mon temps libre à cet effet. Je crois qu'il est temps que j'annonce une date de sortie définitive. The Ordeal of The Hourglass sera publié en

Juillet 2011

Si tout se passe comme prévu... Il est cependant trop tôt pour annoncer une date. Je vous en informerai dès que j'aurai plus d'information sur le sujet.

Voici donc un autre court poème pour vous faire patienter avant la sortie. Ce poème s'intitule River of Oblivion et fait partie de Ad Mortem Festinamus, le 3e livre de The Ordeal of The Hourglass. Il s'agit d'une introduction pour un poème beaucoup plus long intitulé Passion (Paradise Lost). J'espère que vous l'apprécierez.

Avec tout mon amour,



River of Oblivion

Those eyes grey haunt my dreams
As a midsummer's aurora
A dream which is to fade away
For a memory, an illusion you are

You shed tears into the river of Life
If only it could be the stream of Oblivion
For all my life I will be dreaming
Of the day where to Life you'll be returning

(c) David ''Hope Alexander'' Giroux, unauthorized partial or complete reproduction and/or publication of this work is strictly prohibited, The Ordeal of The Hourglass and all its content is protected by the CIPO copyright laws. All rights reserved. This text strictly belongs to its author.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


...Here it is!!!! It is time to reveal the cover art of my book! I hope you will like it! Personnaly, I love it!

Drawing : Fanny Marceau
Colouring & editing : Marianna Dubé Marquis
Concept : David Giroux & Fanny Marceau


...La voici enfin!!! C'est maintenant le moment de révéler la page couverture de mon livre. J'espère que vous l'aimerez, personnellement, je l'adore!

Dessin : Fanny Marceau
Couleur & retouches : Marianna Dubé Marquis
Concept : David Giroux & Fanny Marceau


(c) David ''Hope Alexander'' Giroux, unauthorized partial or complete reproduction and/or publication of this work is strictly prohibited, The Ordeal of The Hourglass and all its content is protected by the CIPO copyright laws. All rights reserved.