Sunday, May 30, 2010

Down With The Rose

Due to popular demand, I have finally decided to post a few poems on this blog. Please note that I will not post a lot of texts in here, for the simple reason that I do not want my work read before the official release of my book. So, see this as a preview of what is waiting for you in The Ordeal of The Hourglass : Ad Mortem Festinamus. This poem is Down With The Rose and is from the Book III of The Ordeal of The Hourglass. Enjoy and, I insist on that, please let me know what you think of it.

Dum spiro spero,



À la suite de nombreuses demandes, j'ai finalement décidé de poster quelques poèmes sur ce blog. Cependant, veuillez noter que je ne posterai pas beaucoup de textes sur ce site, pour la simple raison que je ne veux pas que mon œuvre soit lue avant la publication officielle de mon livre. Voyez ceci comme un «preview» de ce qui vous attend dans votre lecture de The Ordeal of The Hourglass : Ad Mortem Festinamus. Je vais donc commencer avec ce poème qui s'intitule Down With The Rose et qui fait partie du Book III de mon recueil. J'espère que vous l'apprécierez et, j'insiste sur cela, s'il-vous-plaît, dites-moi ce que vous en pensez.

Dum spiro spero,



Down With The Rose

As we are getting closer to the edge
We realize it is our time to go away
We follow a path leading us astray
The dead will respect his lost pledge

Can we believe there is still a way

To flee the coming of this fatal day
Could it be the only way? Death,
It could smother us out of breath

Running on the wall, we are running
We run and fly as a wingless phoenix
Whose firebreath all souls is to nix
And we’ll finally see as we are dying

For so long you have been so blind
Thus now it is time for you to see
Open your eyes, unchain your mind
Sweet truth will appear, you’ll be free

There is no line between the dream and
Reality. This fantasy is a clear memory
Only those who are touched can see
Stay strong, this fatal lie we’re to end!

They have been forever lost, taken away
Those messages of hope, of desire
Could it be a sign, a light, a divine ray
Or just the wood to put all hearts on fire

Will we get our answer on this gloomy day
Where the dead ascend back to a lost life
Lit up by the shades of a stormy Sunday
Reunion is to be, prepare your crystal knife

Sleep is our ship, for in this hopeless sea
We are left alone, with a sole memory
So it is time to dream, wait and see
Let not Light blind us, strong must we be

Here they are, we shall be stronger than them
Caress your memories and prepare yourselves
For with the power of sleep, we’ll destroy them
And they will die again as the immortal elves

Now we can see but so frail are we
Crystal knife is ready, but Light is blinding
Reflecting on the knife’s lucid pale infinity
Pray. They are coming, we are still sleeping

(c) David ''Hope Alexander'' Giroux, unauthorized partial or complete reproduction and/or publication of this work is strictly prohibited by the copyright laws. All rights reserved. This text strictly belongs to his author.


  1. je serais toujours une fan de tes écrits David :)

  2. Je trouve ça vraiment beau !! Tu écris tellement bien !!! C'est vraiment interessant puisqu'on peut l'interpreté un peu à notre manière. Wow ! J'ai que trop hâte de lire le reste, et surtout, ton livre !!! :)

  3. The Rose is worth going down...


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